The Pony Zone: For Pony Hunter Lovers

Jan. 30, 2012

We're always suckers here at Bigeq for adorable ponies - and there are plenty of those at WEF as usual. So for all the other pony hunter lovers out there, we present some of these cuties from last week's show for your enjoyment! :)

Elite Honeybee and Kelly Jo Coughlin in the children's pony hunters

Clementine Talmage and Cloudy Bay in the children's pony hunters.

Newsflash and Madison Goetzmann, medium pony hunters

True Love and Lindsay Levine, medium pony hunters

Cleverist and Daisy Farish, medium pony hunters

My Boy and Addison Piper, medium pony hunters

Woodland's Stevie Ray and Mimi Gochman in the medium pony hunters

Enchanted Forest and Meredith Darst, medium pony hunters