Adjustments to Basic and Premium Ad Features

April 12, 2013


we've made some minor adjustments to our ad offerings:

1) Based on user feedback, our Basic ads have been reintegrated into the search results, so all listings are shown in the search results chronologically based on the date the ad was listed.

2) Premium ads have a new section at the top of our subpages - as you can see above. This will give Premium ads even more exposure! We have, however, discovered many users abusing the system by recycling their premium ads with different horses. Like everyone else, we've got to make a living - so Premium ads will now expire after 9 months. All existing Premium ads placed prior to today have had 9 months added to their run time, and will expire at that time.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We try hard to utilize your feedback in making the site the absolute best and simple hunter/jumper classifieds site around!